
City Theatrical‘s DMXcat® system is designed for use by the lighting professional who is involved with the planning, installation, operation, or maintenance of theatrical and studio lighting equipment. The system consists of a small hardware interface device and a suite of mobile applications. Together, they combine to bring DMX/RDM control plus several other functionalities to the user’s smartphone for use wherever and whenever they are needed. Developed with input from designers and technicians, the DMXcat is an indispensable tool for lighting users.
DMXcat works with Android, iPhone, and Amazon Fire.
DMXcat technology, which delivers DMX and/or RDM control by Bluetooth to a mobile phone, is now patented by City Theatrical.
The DMXcat’s interface device is a compact battery powered unit which fits easily in a pocket or tool pouch or may be worn on a belt. It uses Bluetooth LE technology for communication with the smartphone/applications (up to 50’ range). Without the limitations of being physically connected, the user can move about the workspace as needed with his/her smartphone and run the various apps while still using the phone for on-the-job communication. The device’s 5 pin XLRF connector/cable asembly allows it to be connected to a point in a DMX data chain to allow testing and or control of the various DMX/RDM channel functions. It is charged using a standard USB to Micro-USB cable and charger.
There are currently seven apps available or in development for use with the DMXcat system. Apps are available through Google Play (Android) or the Appstore (iPhone). Apps Included with the Basic configuration include:
• DMX Controller: a single universe (512) DMX channel controller with two user interfaces.
• Fixture ControllerDMX: test app for multi-attribute fixtures with built in database of lighting fixtures.
• RDM Controller: App for bi-directional communication/control of RDM enabled devices.
• DMX Tester: Permits users to analyze and or adjust settings for transmitting or receiving DMX.
• DIP switch calculator: This app simplifies the configuring of DIP switches used for setting DMX addresses.
• RF Spectrum Analyzer (Android only): For surveying and visualizing Wi-Fi networks.
• Light Meter (Android only): Useful for setting light levels for on-camera use.