Ovation C-805FC

Ovation C-805FC uses its RGBA-Lime color palette to render nearly any color with tremendous realism and saturation. Its superb optics ensure an even output. Setup is easier than ever with the addition of RDM, adjustable PWM and an easy to navigate OLED full text display.
- Display a full spectrum of hues with RGBAL LEDs for theatre, film and production
- Theatre-ready with 16-bit dimming of master dimmer and individual colors
- Better coverage with two individually adjustable heads, gives the ability to project split colors
- Compact cyclorama wash lighting fixture
- Flat, even field of light with superior color mixing
- Virtual Color wheel with color matched to popular Rosco Gel colors
- RDM (Remote Device Management) for added flexibility
- Adjustable PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to avoid flickering on camera
- Silent operation for use in studio and theatre applications